Wish each other well

18 seconds in – you’re rounding off and wishing your partner well

Thanks. Thanks for sharing. Good luck. Good luck with your presentation tomorrow. It may be a very long time since you were in Kindergarten, but “Please and thank you” will never go out of fashion.


Thanks for your participation.

And remember:





Your eyes, mouth, and head also say thanks and communicate encouragement. 

Even the briefest of conversations can be empowering.

This time it only took 20 seconds while you were (almost) just standing on one foot as you took a step forward. Isn’t that a rewarding meet, greet, encouragement, and empowerment?

Thank you and good luck – and please follow along to the longer and more in-depth course Talkshow, Podcast, & Conversation Magic: Immediately turn your coaching and interviews into Eureka moments. LINK

Johns books in English on Amazon. LINK

John Steinberg, steinberg.se,

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