-1 The body language of enagement

-1 One second before when you decide on both revere and purpose

You’ve made a decision to engage. What happens next? As you very well know, a big part of communication is your body language. 

a. Eyes: In most cultures, eye contact is accepted and desired. Not everywhere, but almost everywhere. 

b. Mouth: In most cultures, a smile is an opening to contact. No, you don’t have to overdo it, but the expression on your face definitely communicates your willingness, openness, and mood.

c. Head angle: You head a bit to the side, for most people, indicates interest and the ability to listen. Head straight on is not offensive but is harder to read. Move your head a bit to the side like you are talking on an old-fashioned telephone.

d. Revere: Move the upper part of your body a bit closer to your potential talking partner. This, too, shows your willingness to talk and engage. Watch it – not too close or that person will move back, but not too far away, which indicates a lack of interest or engagement. This is a bit tricky. Study how you normally do this and try to gauge its effect on others. Play with it a bit and understand this may be different for different people and cultures.


We do these things without thinking about this. I suggest you think about it, experiment, and see how your behavior affects how others perceive you and act. Of course, your goal is to make the other person open to you, willing to engage.

How you use your eyes, mouth, head, and place yourself in relation to that person will be of help.
