It’s time to explore a simply buy powerful way of making strengths and learning processes visible to the students, and in a teacher-parent talk, even visible to the parents. Start your parent talks by showing off the Strength Star you have done with the student. Do that first, then you can get into challenges ahead. The student will be better able to meet challenges head-on knowing that both the teacher and the parent have acknowledged and recognized strengths, learning patterns, successes, and efforts.
Try it out with family, friends, and a few students to get the hang of it. A suggestion is to a Strength Star with your students, once in the fall and once in the spring. You are not doing any type of diagnostic bout learning styles, preferences, or personality traits. This is only a picture of the present. Yet, looking back through a series of Strength Starts you may find some patterns, useful to you, the student, and the parent.
Go visual, not just verbal, with your feedback and strength finding. Watch the video that explains how to make a Strength Star.